Monday, 3 August 2015

Deactivate main account in Dynamics AX

In this post, I am going to describe how to deactivate main account. This option is very useful in certain situations where you don't want to use the account and also want to keep the account in the system to check the history. 
If the account is deactivated then it cannot be used for any further transactions.
Go to General ledger > Common > Main accounts
Select 11010 main account for deactivation

Click Edit button or double click the selected line

Set Active from = 1/1/2012
Set Active to = Today's date
The account will be active in this date range. The account cannot be used for any transaction before Active from date and after Active to date. Both Active from and Active to dates are included in the range and can be used for transactions.
Now, i am going to create General journal from General ledger module using the same account 11010 on which i specified the date range for the activation.
I am entering today's date + 1 in General journal line to check if i can use account 11010 or not.

Now, you can see the validation message appears that says Main account 11010 is inactive and it doesn't let me to post the transaction.
Hope! you understand this scenario as this is helpful in the situation where you don't want to use the account for further transactions and at the same time want to keep the particular account to track the history

Happy Daxing!

Grouping Vendors into a single account in AX

In this post, i am going to describe how Vendors can be associated to the single account entry.

First create a Vendor group from the path
Go to Accounts payable > Setup > Vendors > Vendor groups
I created the Vendor group "OTH" and filled out required fields

Go to General ledger > Setup > General ledger parameters
Uncheck Use posting definitions checkbox otherwise it will supersede the vendor posting profile account and our main objective is to use one vendor account for vendors associated with same vendor group. If this posting definitions checkbox is checked then accounts that are setup on posting definitions will be picked up which is not our requirement.

Go to Accounts payable > Setup > Vendor posting profiles
Create posting profile
Click Add button in Setup fast tab

Account code column values:
Table = You can select any specific or individual vendor and then allocate account to that particular individual vendor
Group = You can select vendor group and then allocate account to that particular vendor group
All = The account is allocated to all vendors irrespective of any group or any individual vendor
In this requirement, we will set Account code as Group then allocate the summary account that will be used for vendors transactions belonging to the same vendor group.
I used 11010 which is a receivable account.

Now, you just need to assign vendor group to the specific vendor. You can do that by opening vendors list page and then edit the specific vendor on which you want to assign the vendor group.
Go to Accounts payable > Common > Vendors > All vendors
Select the Vendor on which you need to assign Vendor group.
You can assign same vendor group to multiple vendors.

Click Maintain > Edit button on action pane or double click the selected vendor

In this way, you can use the same payable account for multiple vendors that are associated with same vendor group.
Hope, this blog will help the readers to understand the scenario.
Please send me the email on my email addresses and for any issues or concerns. I will try my best to answer your queries.
Happy Daxing!

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Grouping customers into a single account in AX

In this post, i am going to describe how customers can be associated to the single account entry. AX provides options for grouping the customers together that are similar in business so it is easy to manage the customer grouped accounts.
First create a customer group from the path
Go to Accounts receivable > Setup > Customers > Customers groups
I created the customer group BUS and filled out required fields

Go to General ledger > Setup > General ledger parameters
Uncheck Use posting definitions checkbox otherwise it will supersede the customer profile account and our main objective is to use one customer account for customers associated with same customer group. If this posting definitions checkbox is checked then accounts that are setup on posting definitions will be picked up which is not our requirement.

Go to Accounts receivable > Setup > Customer posting profiles
Create posting profile
Click Add button in Setup fast tab

Account code column values:
Table = You can select any specific or individual customer and then allocate account to that particular individual customer
Group = You can select customer group and then allocate account to that particular customer group
All = The account is allocated to all customers irrespective of any group or any individual customer
In this requirement, we will set Account code as Group then allocate the summary account that will be used for customers transactions belonging to the same customer group.
I used 11536 which is a receivable account.

Now, you just need to assign customer group to the specific customer. You can do that by opening customers list page and then edit the specific customer on which you want to assign the customer group.
For example: CUS001 and CUS002 belongs to same customer group "BUS". Whenever, there is any transaction done against these two customers, the receivable account will be picked up from customer group "BUS" that is specified on the customer posting profiles.
In this way, you can use the same receivable account for multiple customers that are associated with same customer group.
Hope, this blog will help the readers to understand the scenario.
Please send me the email on my email address and for any issues or concerns. I will try my best to answer your queries.
Happy Daxing!